
Friday, July 26, 2013

Week 2, Day 5 - Don't let your mind tell your body what it can't do

Friday, means it's time to squat!


Thoughts: Yes! I did all of these without a belt. That is huge for me. My midline is usually so weak that I, as a rule, don't do anything over my body weight without a belt. There is nothing really wrong with that but it can become a crutch and hinder strengthening of your core (definitely the case with me). Maybe it was the excitement of getting new nanos or having taco bell for lunch but today, I told myself to grow a pair and go belt-less. And I hit the 5x125 with ease. The little one is very happy.

3 rounds with 1 minute rest between
In each 3 minute round:
Max overhead lunges (25lb plate)
Row 500 meters 
*Score is lunges each round

Results: Round 1: 20 lunges Round 2: 17 Round 3: 18
Thoughts: Well I had to do this at my rec center and I was kind of a hot mess. I was on a hardwood floor and i kept slipping while lunging then the rower I used i think was from the paleolithic era and I really couldnt figure it out. I ended up just doing max lunges for 30 seconds and then rowing as hard as i could for the remaining time. Overall, a good workout even with some setbacks.

Breakfast: Protein shake 
Lunch: TACO BELLLL!!!!!!
Dinner: Egg noodles with curry sauce (gluten free and delicious!)
Post dinner: Some twisted teas. mm.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Week 2, Day 4 - Some choice words for T. Rice

Ok, real talk... WHO LIKES SPRINTS? nobody. 

So when my boo suggested I do the T Rice conditioning test as a gage of my leg strength/ power, I was less than thrilled. But I nutted up and did it. My first attempt at this didn't go well. I was hot and irritated and I tried to do this at my crossfit gym earlier this week but there wasn't very much room and I felt like I was in everyone's way. So I let it go, and gave it another try.

T Rice Conditioning Test
-300 yard Sprint For Time
*Ran in 50 yd increments, turn and go

Trial 1: 1.08
Trial 2: 1.06
Trial 3: 1.07

Thoughts: Yeah well that was really terrible. 300 yards is a LONG sprint. My goal was to get under 70 seconds which I got. (yay!) My goal for after I finish this cycle is to get 65 or below. All in all, EFF YOU T RICE.  I wanted to do more but the gym was closed by the time I got done. Oh well, Squats tomorrow!

Breakfast: Protein Shake w/ coffee
Snack: Pistachios
Late lunch: lovely lunch with mom, eggplant parm, salad and spaghetti (hi mom!)
Dinner: Protein smoothie made of whey, greek yogurt, fo yo, bananas and peanut butter. 

Also shout out to my INCREDIBLE boyfriend that got me some amazing new nano 3.0s. I'm so blessed to have such a supportive best friend. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Week 2, day 3 My pre-workout matches my shirt!

First off..
Yeah. that happened. 
Morning workout today! I actually like lifting in the am quite a bit. That might be the pre-workout talking. Tried some new product, so far so good. (and yeah I know I'm a model).


Thoughts: My last one was a little shaky. I need to remember to push my knees out right out of the bottom of my squat not just when I start to struggle. I also feel like if I think about it too much I start to lean forward instead of going straight up. Overall, I felt good.

One hour of Pulse!

Thoughts: Dancing/Cardio is such an awesome mental break for me, I'm really glad I found out about pulse. It is definitely not something you can do on its own and expect results but it's a great addition to my fitness tool box.

Breakfast: Coffee protein shake with sausage egg cheese bacon sandwich.
Lunch: Double turkey burger with half a whole wheat tortilla, cheese and carrots
Snack: Applesauce 
Pre-workout: Zone Bar
Post-workout: Limeade slushi (uhm yum. made with real fruit ok?)
Dinner: Curry with rice and shrimp (yes I love curry) 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Week 2, Day 2 - PRs and Hurtin' Hands

No squats today!

8x1 heavy Jerks from the rack 

Thoughts: Split Jerks are my favorite lift. It felt awesome to PR on this lift especially when I'm not particularly focusing on it right now. It felt really strong too. I wish I had had time to go up more but still an exciting day. On the other hand, It is kind of embarrassing that my max back squat is the same as my max jerk and that I've never squatted over 125. #awkwardliftingproblems


5 Rounds:
30 Second Handstand Hold
5 Supine Ring pullups on box (video above)

8 Pullups
8 Tiger Bend Push ups (see video below)
10 knees to elbows
30 second hollow hold on bar

Results: Completed, rested 1 minute between rounds

Thoughts: What. the. eff. My boyfriend recommended this to me because its a good core workout and stays away from lower body. Yeah, well I even modified it from what he suggested and I was still dying. This just destroyed my grip. My hands were pissed. I also felt like each round was never going to end because I was terrible at every freaking movement. Although it definitely gave me a good core workout, I would not describe this one as a good time. 

Monday, July 22, 2013

Week 2, Day 1 - I'm hungry and ready to squat.

So yesterday was a great rest day, I did an hour of vinyasa yoga and mostly slothed around. Hips were tight even after yoga and I felt that today.

Strict press
last set: do max reps.

Results: 45, 55, 60 - got 8 reps
Thoughts: i decided to do grey skull for strict press in order to keep my upper body. Well I totally read the programming wrong, I was supposed to stay at the same weight and then add five pounds next week not every set (face palm). Oh well, I know for next time. 

Warm up sets:
2x1 95
2x1 115
2x2 120

Thoughts: Very solid. hips were tight but i still felt like my form was on point.

*KB wod:
3 rounds, complete each round unbroken
5 cleans
5 push press
5 cleans 
5 push press
100 meter gorilla walk

Results: Used two 30 lb kettle bells
Thoughts: Miserable. Seriously thought I was going to pass out. I am trying to become more confident in kettlebelling so I don't completely humiliate myself at a competition I'm doing in August. The cleans were the hardest part for me, I just don't have the proper technique.

Breakfast: Iced coffee with protein
Lunch: Two chicken sausages with carrots and hummus
Pre-workout snack: Random protein bar I got at gas station (see above it was delicious)
Post-workout snack: Coconut water
Dinner: Uh-mazing patty melt made with bacon, avocado, munster cheese and gluten free bread with sweet potato fries
Post dinner: Greek yogurt

*kb wod from (

Buying this for myself after its all said and done...

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Act like a lady, Eat like a man

Wait, so am I going to get fat??

A question any normal lifter wouldn't even bother to ask. But, alas, I am a female 20 something and we are programmed since day one to be constrictive of our diets and to look in the mirror and say "how can I look better?" It is no secret that smolov isn't going to make me some ripped fitness model. Granted, that can come after I finish (hello metcons!). 

But to say I'm completely fine with gaining a few pounds during this, would be a lie. I know it is what I'll have to do and I will do it, but this is going to be a mental challenge for me as well as a physical one. It's possible for a while I wont particularly love what I see in the mirror, I am going to have to let go of being self-critical and look at the big picture. I'M GONNA GET FREAKING STRONG. I have been told over and over again, Strength is much harder to gain than leaning out. 

So, I've seen some incredibly ridiculous things about what people eat while on smolov, (candy as a food group!?) I'm going to need calories, lots of them. So if your looking for a perfect paleo intake guide, please look somewhere else. i will be eating carbs, dairy and lots of meat. I will try my best to avoid gluten because it does make my stomach hurt. I will not eat like total crap but I will be eating a lot. 

Basically, i am going to listen to my body and if I'm hungry..I'm going to eat. No restrictions.