
Friday, August 2, 2013

Week 3, Day 5 - Belt-less with blue weights

I've survived through week three! I can't believe its almost been a month of squatting. Today was a good day, I got to move up and use the blue weights (they're color-coded in my school's gym)!

10x3 @ 125

Thoughts: WITHOUT A BELT! boom. I was really happy with my squats today. After some rude sexist boys were picking on me in class I was ready to lift some heavy shit. These were a lot of sets and I was really happy I got through them all without to much issue.
Here's the belt I didn't use

Strict press
5,5, 5x @ 65
Week 3 booty shot!

Results: 8 on last round
Thoughts: I was happy with this as well. I felt like my form was much better this time around and it felt good to get eight reps on the last round.  I was going to do some cardio after this but I was just exhausted after all the lifting. I stretched for awhile though which felt great. Here's to week 4!

Breakfast: Protein with coffee
Lunch: 2 PBJs and half of a chicken salad sandwich. 
Pre-workout: Power bar
Dinner: Kashi veggie pizza with guacamole and some shock tops

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Week 3, Day 4 - Math during a workout? no thanks.

Seriously. I have passed differential equations 2 but ask me to put an exact number on a barbell and I will struggle.


Complete 8 rounds:
3 Hang Power Cleans – 85
*6 Jump Touches – 24″ Height
Sprint 25 yards

Rest 15 seconds between rounds

Results: Total time: 6:13
Thoughts: I liked this workout because it was so different from what I'm used to doing.The hang cleans were all done unbroken but it was the jump touches I struggled with. I'm not known for my high vertical ( shocking right?) so being able to jump up high and come down without swinging my arms was challenging. The 15 seconds consisted of me walking back to the bar from the sprint so it didn't feel like much of a break. I was also having trouble adding 15 seconds to the time when I finished each round. (math is hard ok?!) This workout is probably easier if you have someone to time you. Overall, an awesome lung burner.

*For Jump Touches, place a mark 24″ above your highest reach with a fully extended arm. Count a rep if when you jump you touch your mark.

3 sets max ring dips

Results: 3,4,5
Thoughts: Well, i have a giant hematoma on my chest from doing bar muscle ups so that wasn't helping. Every time I do dips I feel like my chest is ripping apart. I don't feel very proud of these sets, definitely will need to try this again when I'm not feeling so sorry for myself.

Breakfast: Protein/coffee and PBJ
Lunch: Two turkey burgers with avocados and sweet potato chips
Dinner: Cookout! Brats, grilled veggies and a smore. yummmm.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Week 3, Day 3 - "On Wednesdays, we squat"

Driving to class this morning, I created a whole crossfit/lifters version of Mean Girls. Let me tell you, its pretty epic and may deserve its own blog post later on (ie "get in the car loser, we're going lifting" and Arron Samuels = Rich Froning).

I. Am. Exhausted. 
Another lifting session in the AM. Had a little trouble getting up but that's my own fault for staying up too late.

All at 110
Thoughts: Well, I was nervous about this one because in general its a lot of sets and a lot of reps. I really tried to focus on my breathing again, who would have thought breathing would be so complicated?? Overall, pretty smooth.

Thoughts: Haters gonna hate, but i was getting my sweat on and I swear we did lunges for a good 3 minutes straight. I liked it because I could stretch out my legs and shoulders . They were pretty beat up from the work I did yesterday. Some of the songs I just freestyle dance to anyway. Also, I Aj-ified my new nanos.

Breakfast: Protein/coffee shake with a breakfast sandwich from speedway
Lunch: 2 PBJs 
Pre-workout: Power bar
Dinner: Two Caribbean jerk turkey burgers with avocado, cheese with a whole wheat tortilla 
Post dinner: I'm feeling some fro yo later.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Week 3, Day 2 - Bands on Bands on Bands

 Grey Skull:
5,5,5x max reps strict press
Results: Done at 65 lbs
Thoughts: I only got 6 reps on my last round and it was rough. My back arches really hard when I do strict press, I have to focus on keeping my abs tight.

3 rounds for time:
8 muscle ups 
14 burpee grasshoppers

Results: did bar muscle ups with big green band, 1 round 22 reps
Thoughts: Well back in the day, i could do bar muscle ups without a band but lack of practice has totally taken its toll on this skill. It is just another thing I will have to continue to work on. My shoulders were shot by the time a struggled through the muscle ups so the hspus and burpees were just brutal. 
Lets just reminisce from back in the day when i was actually able to do muscle ups...sigh. ---------->

Breakfast: Protein shake and banana
Lunch: two turkey burgers with half an avocado and sweet potato chips
Pre-workout: protein bar
Post-workout: PBJ (yum!)
Dinner: salmon burger with cheese and avocado and whole wheat tortilla (highly recommend, super delish!)

Really happy with my intake so far. I feel like im eating a lot more but not making myself sick/feel stuffed.

Monday, July 29, 2013

DROP THE BASE. Day 1 of base mesocycle

And so the base mesocycle begins, this is where it may get a little spicy.

Warm up:
Ran 400
10 pass throughs with pvc
10 overhead squats with pvc
some walking lunges around the gym while singing miley cyrus. 

4x9 @ 100

Results: Done!
Thoughts: My run on the warm up felt very strong, I can feel my legs getting more powerful (even if it was just a 400). I felt very solid even though it was a high rep scheme. My breathing was all out of wack though. My fellow lifter brian helped me get it into check though. I have this terrible habit of holding my breath for literally the whole set. I blame my intense concentration! haha anyway, it is something I will have to be mindful of.

12 min amrap
10 Toes to Bar
10 Kb snatches (35)
10 Box jumps (24')

Results: 5 rounds 16 reps
Thoughts: My toes to bar felt on point but i truly hate kettlebell snatches. I am so awkward and always end up looking like i have no idea what I'm doing (which is pretty accurate). My box jumps were ok, I wish i could recoil better but after the snatches, I was just trying to catch my breath and not remove any bone from my shins. 

Alittle extra work:
20 min, On the minute

even: ten triceps pushups
odd: 10 dead hang leg lifts on bar

Thoughts: I probably did more like 16/17 minutes because I wanted the extra rest and tricep pushups are very challenging for me. I also tried to do the dead hang leg lifts slowly so I would have to rely on my lower abs to do the work. Overall, felt pretty good.

Breakfast: Protein shake and a banana
Lunch: Two turkey burgers with an avocado, sweet potato chips and carrots
Pre-workout: protein bar
Post-workout: Rezzerect and BCAAs
Dinner: Two chicken sausages in a tortilla with avocado 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

End of Week 2 - Goodbye Wod and Weekend Shenanigans

Tony's Goodbye Wod:
Partner workout:
60 wallballs (14 lbs to 10 ft target)
80 kettlebell swings (40 lbs)
*Every 3 minutes three heavy hang cleans ( 105)

Post workout:
Ran a mile 

Results: Partnered with Tabitha and Rachel. 4 rounds 24 reps
Thoughts: I thought this was going to be awful but once we got the hang of the coordination the wall balls actually went pretty well, I can already feel more power from my legs. Kettle bell swings were solid and I surprised myself with the hang cleans, I haven't hang cleaned over 85 lbs before this workout. I was able to get all 105 unbroken and without a belt. I am sure going to miss Tony, he has been my coach since day one and always encouraged me to go heavy or go home.

 After the workout, I went home to see my family and do a little shopping. I honestly don't know how to shop for clothes anymore unless its athletic wear! I've noticed my body changing already, my jean shorts are tighter in the thighs but falling around my waist. I managed to get a couple cute things though.

Rest! I went out Saturday night and didn't make it back in time for hot yoga. Its ok though, It feels nice to rest and with the Base Mesocycle coming up next week,  I want my body to be fully prepared. I also had banana's foster french toast for breakfast... uhm yeah it was amazing.