I've survived through week three! I can't believe its almost been a month of squatting. Today was a good day, I got to move up and use the blue weights (they're color-coded in my school's gym)!
10x3 @ 125
Thoughts: WITHOUT A BELT! boom. I was really happy with my squats today. After some rude sexist boys were picking on me in class I was ready to lift some heavy shit. These were a lot of sets and I was really happy I got through them all without to much issue.
Here's the belt I didn't use |
Strict press
5,5, 5x @ 65
Week 3 booty shot! |
Results: 8 on last round
Thoughts: I was happy with this as well. I felt like my form was much better this time around and it felt good to get eight reps on the last round. I was going to do some cardio after this but I was just exhausted after all the lifting. I stretched for awhile though which felt great. Here's to week 4!
Breakfast: Protein with coffee
Lunch: 2 PBJs and half of a chicken salad sandwich.
Pre-workout: Power bar
Dinner: Kashi veggie pizza with guacamole and some shock tops