
Friday, July 26, 2013

Week 2, Day 5 - Don't let your mind tell your body what it can't do

Friday, means it's time to squat!


Thoughts: Yes! I did all of these without a belt. That is huge for me. My midline is usually so weak that I, as a rule, don't do anything over my body weight without a belt. There is nothing really wrong with that but it can become a crutch and hinder strengthening of your core (definitely the case with me). Maybe it was the excitement of getting new nanos or having taco bell for lunch but today, I told myself to grow a pair and go belt-less. And I hit the 5x125 with ease. The little one is very happy.

3 rounds with 1 minute rest between
In each 3 minute round:
Max overhead lunges (25lb plate)
Row 500 meters 
*Score is lunges each round

Results: Round 1: 20 lunges Round 2: 17 Round 3: 18
Thoughts: Well I had to do this at my rec center and I was kind of a hot mess. I was on a hardwood floor and i kept slipping while lunging then the rower I used i think was from the paleolithic era and I really couldnt figure it out. I ended up just doing max lunges for 30 seconds and then rowing as hard as i could for the remaining time. Overall, a good workout even with some setbacks.

Breakfast: Protein shake 
Lunch: TACO BELLLL!!!!!!
Dinner: Egg noodles with curry sauce (gluten free and delicious!)
Post dinner: Some twisted teas. mm.

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