Warm up:
Ran 400
10 pass throughs with pvc
10 overhead squats with pvc
some walking lunges around the gym while singing miley cyrus.
4x9 @ 100
Results: Done!
Thoughts: My run on the warm up felt very strong, I can feel my legs getting more powerful (even if it was just a 400). I felt very solid even though it was a high rep scheme. My breathing was all out of wack though. My fellow lifter brian helped me get it into check though. I have this terrible habit of holding my breath for literally the whole set. I blame my intense concentration! haha anyway, it is something I will have to be mindful of.
12 min amrap
10 Toes to Bar
10 Kb snatches (35)
10 Box jumps (24')
Results: 5 rounds 16 reps
Thoughts: My toes to bar felt on point but i truly hate kettlebell snatches. I am so awkward and always end up looking like i have no idea what I'm doing (which is pretty accurate). My box jumps were ok, I wish i could recoil better but after the snatches, I was just trying to catch my breath and not remove any bone from my shins.
Alittle extra work:
20 min, On the minute
even: ten triceps pushups
odd: 10 dead hang leg lifts on bar
Thoughts: I probably did more like 16/17 minutes because I wanted the extra rest and tricep pushups are very challenging for me. I also tried to do the dead hang leg lifts slowly so I would have to rely on my lower abs to do the work. Overall, felt pretty good.
Breakfast: Protein shake and a banana
Lunch: Two turkey burgers with an avocado, sweet potato chips and carrots
Pre-workout: protein bar
Post-workout: Rezzerect and BCAAs
Dinner: Two chicken sausages in a tortilla with avocado
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