
Sunday, July 28, 2013

End of Week 2 - Goodbye Wod and Weekend Shenanigans

Tony's Goodbye Wod:
Partner workout:
60 wallballs (14 lbs to 10 ft target)
80 kettlebell swings (40 lbs)
*Every 3 minutes three heavy hang cleans ( 105)

Post workout:
Ran a mile 

Results: Partnered with Tabitha and Rachel. 4 rounds 24 reps
Thoughts: I thought this was going to be awful but once we got the hang of the coordination the wall balls actually went pretty well, I can already feel more power from my legs. Kettle bell swings were solid and I surprised myself with the hang cleans, I haven't hang cleaned over 85 lbs before this workout. I was able to get all 105 unbroken and without a belt. I am sure going to miss Tony, he has been my coach since day one and always encouraged me to go heavy or go home.

 After the workout, I went home to see my family and do a little shopping. I honestly don't know how to shop for clothes anymore unless its athletic wear! I've noticed my body changing already, my jean shorts are tighter in the thighs but falling around my waist. I managed to get a couple cute things though.

Rest! I went out Saturday night and didn't make it back in time for hot yoga. Its ok though, It feels nice to rest and with the Base Mesocycle coming up next week,  I want my body to be fully prepared. I also had banana's foster french toast for breakfast... uhm yeah it was amazing.

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