
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Week 3, Day 2 - Bands on Bands on Bands

 Grey Skull:
5,5,5x max reps strict press
Results: Done at 65 lbs
Thoughts: I only got 6 reps on my last round and it was rough. My back arches really hard when I do strict press, I have to focus on keeping my abs tight.

3 rounds for time:
8 muscle ups 
14 burpee grasshoppers

Results: did bar muscle ups with big green band, 1 round 22 reps
Thoughts: Well back in the day, i could do bar muscle ups without a band but lack of practice has totally taken its toll on this skill. It is just another thing I will have to continue to work on. My shoulders were shot by the time a struggled through the muscle ups so the hspus and burpees were just brutal. 
Lets just reminisce from back in the day when i was actually able to do muscle ups...sigh. ---------->

Breakfast: Protein shake and banana
Lunch: two turkey burgers with half an avocado and sweet potato chips
Pre-workout: protein bar
Post-workout: PBJ (yum!)
Dinner: salmon burger with cheese and avocado and whole wheat tortilla (highly recommend, super delish!)

Really happy with my intake so far. I feel like im eating a lot more but not making myself sick/feel stuffed.

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