
Friday, August 23, 2013

Week 5, day 5 - A Headcase

"It doesn't matter where you are or who you're with. Put the weight on your back and squat it."

That was the advice my boyfriend gave me after I called him mid warm up. I was complaining because I was nervous about lifting at the src, having to use the src's lifting belt and my spotter didn't show up. I attemped to do 140 7x5 but failed on my third rep of my first set. Feeling defeated I called James and he knew exactly what to say.

5x7 @ 135
Thoughts: Heck yes! A week ago I couldn't get 3 sets of 5 without failure. I think after I was able to get my head in the game, I was able to get all my sets. I also focused on not going too low on my squats, I tend to bottom out too much. Overall, really proud of myself for not giving up and I looked over and realized I was back squatting more than the guys next to me...#awkward.


Perform a 1 Minute MAX Rep KettleBell Snatch Set, split the time 30 seconds a arm.
Results: 28 reps
Thoughts: I was awkward on the switch which slowed me down but over it went fine.

15:15 Vo2 Max KettleBell Snatch Intervals 25 lb kb
1 x 10 Minute Set
*Your Interval System for for this set will be as follows.
15 Seconds KB Snatch Right Hand
15 Seconds Off
15 Seconds KB Snatch Left Hand
15 Seconds Off

*These ARE NOT max effort interval windows. You will be holding a predetermined Rep count which is your number established from above (Max / 4)
Results: 7 reps. successfully completed.
Thoughts: I didn't have any chalk so that was an interesting experience. I tried really hard to keep the kb close to my body and get good hip extension. Overall, a good little sweat.


  1. Z's favorite line is, "the weight never gets lighter, you just get stronger" looks like James has picked up some good cues ;-) way to rally back little one! :-)

  2. Thanks roo!! I am so glad I have beasts like you supporting me.
